Tag: Sudan

A cholera outbreak in Sudan killed 348 individuals and infected nearly 11,000 others.

According to the Health Ministry, there are two documented fatalities associated with the suspicion of dengue fever, which

Biden implores Sudan’s belligerents to hold fresh negotiations and grant humanitarian access.

As fighting extends to 13 of the 18 states, the UN and the international community are urging an

The forgotten civil war: As the death toll surpasses 20,000, the crisis in Sudan worsens

Experts claim that the conflict is becoming more intense due to both domestic and foreign actors, endangering the

According to government data, 390 people have died in Sudan from cholera and flooding.

More than 390 deaths have been reported from the flood and cholera in Sudan, and many more have

In a conflict in Darfur, the RSF and the Sudanese army kill 20 civilians.

Between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces, civilians are caught in the crossfire, resulting in several

Why has one of the biggest humanitarian catastrophes in Sudan gone unnoticed by the world?

The largest displacement catastrophe in the world is occurring in Sudan, but British-Sudanese campaigner Mohanad Elbalal says the

South Sudan closes schools due to an intense heat wave

Beginning on Monday, South Sudan will close all of its schools in anticipation of a severe heat wave

Sudan sentences paramilitaries to death for killing protesters during 2019 protests of food and security shortage

The protestors which were killed during the 2019 demonstrations for food and fuel scarcity included four elementary school