On Victory Day, Erdogan declares, “We are now moving forward on our path to build the ‘Century of Türkiye’ by relying on the vision of its administration, the might of its state, and the wisdom and sagacity of its nation.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared on the 101st anniversary of Turkey’s Victory Day that the nation will continue to rise in the world and make significant strides toward achieving its objectives.

At the event on August 30, Erdogan declared, “Today, the Republic of Türkiye is much stronger and much more advanced than it was a quarter-century, a half-century, or a century ago, with all its political, economic, and military capabilities.”

“We count on this infrastructure, this level, and this equipment,” he continued, “when we say that we will make Türkiye one of the ten largest, strongest, and most prosperous countries in the world.

The president vowed that Turkey’s rise, which has made it the region’s go-to country for solving problems, would continue.

“We are now advancing on our path to build the ‘Century of Türkiye’ by relying on the vision of its administration, the power of its state, and the wisdom and sagacity of its nation,” said Erdogan.

Türkiye will move forward its goals step by step with the nation that is aware of the country’s true potential and understands the value of what it possesses, he added.

Turkish nation would not let a shadow be cast on its independence – Erdogan

Victory Day

The national holiday on August 30 honors the Turkish Armed Forces and commemorates the final battle in western Anatolia in 1922 against occupying Greek forces.

The occupying Greek army was soundly routed during the Battle of Dumlupinar, which took place from August 26 to August 30 in what is now Turkey’s central Kutahya province.

All foreign forces had been driven out of the areas that would later come to be known as the Republic of Turkey by the end of 1922.





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