Imagine making the latest weapons available to your enemies while you are still in the middle of a war What would you do if someone armed your opponent with the most advanced military technology, knowing that they had already been attacked and were planning another attack? This is the case of Armenia and Azerbaijan. , both countries are at war and both are backed by two other countries with a history of close ties Multi-barreled rocket launchers and anti-tank missiles manufactured by Pinaka are exported from India to Armenia along with various ammunition Another major military hardware agreement between the two countries is due to be announced within the next month. On November 9, 2022, Bharat Forge Limited won a US$155.5 million export order for 155 mm guns. The company said in a statement to the Bombay Stock Exchange that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Kalyani Strategic Systems Limited, has received an export order for the 155 mm artillery battery, which he will complete in three years.

The company declined to disclose the identity of the buyer, but on November 9, 2022, the Indian daily Business Standard reported that a subsidiary of Bharat Forge sold Armenian 155 mm guns for $155 million reported that it did. The Government of India’s Aatma-Nirbhar-Bharat strategy and continued efforts to boost exports of independently designed, developed, and manufactured (IDDM) advanced defense platforms from India are reinforced by this non-conflict zone order.

The company says it is supported. It is unfortunate that India’s AatmaNirbhar (independence) program has been forced to sell arms to war zones. India has all rights to AtmaNirbar Bharat, but exploiting the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia for economic gain seems to defy moral principles and ethical boundaries. Revealing the obsessive ambition of the visible Make in India initiative. Every sovereign state has the right to defend its independence, but a cynical desire to sacrifice human life or initiate conflict.

In 44 days of the Patriotic Struggle, the world has realized that Armenia has no interest in reconciliation Lack of morals. The United Nations has ruled that Armenia’s aggression against Azerbaijan is morally and legally unjustified. In addition, India is keen to cooperate with the Armenian military to cover up war crimes. Armenian criminal gangs and India’s vile desire to maintain ties make for a deadly combination.

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Azerbaijan has consistently supported Pakistan on issues such as Kashmir, so India seems to be doing it on purpose A unique political bond exists between Pakistan and Azerbaijan that transcends national borders and distances. Pakistan was one of the first nations to recognise Azerbaijan’s independence when the Soviet Union fell apart in 1991 Technology for military gear has traditionally been exchanged and traded between Pakistan and Azerbaijan Col Gen ZakirHasanov, the defence minister of Azerbaijan, and Air Chief Marshal Zaheer Ahmad Babar Sidhu, the head of Pakistan’s air force, recently discussed military, military-technical, and military-educational cooperation until June 2022.

Expanding the fields of military affairs, military technology, and military education were mentioned by both sides at a meeting held in Baku on June 29, and this June summit will create new opportunities to strengthen military ties between the two countries. said it would. India must take into account Pakistan’s ability to produce military weapons and its longstanding relationship with Azerbaijan Azerbaijan will not fight alone if India does.

Baku-based political analyst and author NejatSmailov argued in one of his  2020 articles that Pakistan is the country that works most closely with Azerbaijan, especially when it comes to military cooperation In response to India’s arms sale to Armenia, Azerbaijan parliamentarian Tahir Ruzayev said, “If Armenia has India, Azerbaijan has Pakistan.”

Political analyst and author SimurMamadov recently wrote an essay entitled “India’s Blockade of Azerbaijan in BRICS”, in which he argued that India prevented Azerbaijan from joining his BRICS for two reasons. said that Second, military alliances between Turkey, Pakistan, and Azerbaijan affect India New Delhi, already a member of the BRICS, can’t banish the dragon, but it could discourage its Chinese neighbors and friends from joining — Pakistan and Azerbaijan are some of them.

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Let’s not forget that according to Indian media, the Armenian National Security Agency said that Pakistan was “someone outside the region” who fought Armenia on the ground during the 44 Days Patriotic War. Pakistan Armenian National Security Agency and the Indian media cooperated on this issue without jeopardizing Armenia’s diplomatic relations by explicitly referring to the, In addition, Armenia said  Azerbaijan and Turkey would recruit Syrian soldiers for the Karabakh conflict.

 Why are India and Armenia working closely together? India maintains friendly diplomatic relations with Baku and trade between the two countries is booming. By the end of 2022, Azerbaijan’s exports to India are expected to exceed $1.429 billion from January to September 2022, exceeding $1.5 billion annually.

In 2020, Azerbaijan’s exports to India were worth $458 million. The top three commodities were crude oil ($453 million), halogens ($3.14 million), and spices ($622 million) Over the past 25 years, Azerbaijan’s exports to India have grown from $60.3,000 in 1995 to at least $1,000 million in 2022 Despite its ties with Pakistan, Azerbaijan maintains close ties with India, and the Azerbaijani media often supports India. It is amazing that India stands by Armenia steadfastly in the face of regional invaders.

It is in Pakistan’s best interests to know what India thinks by intervening in remote areas where it has no military interests. India’s expansion policy is well known, but it has repeatedly come to light, especially in the case of Afghanistan Pakistan should heed the Indian invasion of the Caucasus under the guise of Aatma-Nirbhar and promises of military weapons.

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