Impact of Israeli Airstrikes on Aleppo Airport and Assad Regime

The airport has been attacked numerous times this year, including twice in March, when it was also rendered inoperable.

According to a military source cited by the Syrian news agency SANA, an Israeli air strike has damaged a runway at Aleppo’s international airport, rendering it unusable.

“The Israeli enemy launched an aerial aggression from the direction of the Mediterranean west of Latakia at about 4:30 am (0130 GMT) this morning, targeting Aleppo International Airport,” the source said, adding that this led to damage to the airport runway.

Israeli authorities made no immediate comments.

Israel has attacked numerous targets inside the regime-controlled areas of Syria in recent years, including the airports in Aleppo and Damascus, but it hardly ever acknowledges or talks about the actions.

Israel has reportedly targeted airports and sea ports in the areas of Syria controlled by the government in an effort to stop the flow of weapons from Iran to armed organizations supported by Tehran, such as Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

Thousands of Iran-backed fighters from around the region joined Syria’s 12-year conflict helping tip the balance in favor of regime leader Bashar al Assad’s forces.

Aleppo, which was extensively destroyed during the Syrian civil war, sustained severe damage once more during the deadly 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria last month.





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