ISLAMABAD: Chief of General Staff of Iran’s Armed Forces Maj Gen Mohammad Bagheri showed up here on Tuesday on a three-day visit.

Lt Gen Saqib Mehmood Malik, head of coordinations staff of the Pakistan Army, gets him at the air terminal.

General Bagheri is driving a high-positioning military designation.

The top Iranian administrator will meet Chief of the Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee General Nadeem Raza, and other senior military authorities prior to making a trip to Karachi in the second leg of his Pakistan visit where he will visit military and maritime establishments.

Read: Ready to face any misadventure by the enemy: Chief of army staff

The different sides, during the visit, would hold chats of online security, territorial steadiness, and counter-psychological oppression collaboration. It is normal that the visit would prompt the development of guard ties.

Iranian authority newswire IRNA said the visit communicates the joint purpose of Iranian and Pakistani military authorities to additional upgrade reciprocal collaboration, foster security at the normal lines, add to local strength, produce a typical vision for harmony and steadiness in Afghanistan, counsel on issues of the Islamic world and battle against psychological oppression.

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