A recently released research that breaks down the results by age and ethnicity highlights a striking disparity, showing that the majority of voters under 45 and sizable majorities of Black and Latino respondents refer to the events in Gaza as “genocide”.

An overwhelming majority of Democratic voters believe that Israel is committing “genocide” in Gaza, with over half expressing this opinion, according to a new Data For Progress and Zeteo survey.

A nationwide poll of US voters taken between April 26 and 29 indicates that opinions on Israel’s attack on Gaza are mixed, with 39% of respondents overall considering Israel’s actions to be “genocidal” and 38% disagreeing. However, a resounding majority of Democrats—56 percent—agree that Israel is carrying out “genocide” in Gaza.

The survey results’ demographic and ethnic breakdown highlights this gap even further, with the majority of voters under 45 and the majority of Black and Latino voters classifying the situation in Gaza as genocide.

A lasting ceasefire and a de-escalation of violence in Gaza are widely supported, with 70% of voters overall supporting this position, despite the Israeli government’s rejection of a hostage deal.

A permanent ceasefire is strongly supported by Democrats (83%) and even a majority of Republicans (56%) are in favor of it.

Additionally, the poll shows that most probable voters have little support for Israel’s war approach, with 53% of them believing that Israel has not done enough to liberate the hostages in Gaza.

Furthermore, a sizable majority of voters—54 percent—support stopping all US arms supplies to Israel as long as that country refuses to provide Gaza with humanitarian relief.

Voters’ views on anti-war demonstrations on college campuses are varied; some support students’ protests against their schools’ investments in companies that profit from Israel’s military activities, while others oppose them.

But most Americans, especially Democrats and younger voters, are against institutions restricting students’ freedom to demonstrate against Israel’s conduct in Gaza.

Additionally, the poll shows that most voters are against extensive US military involvement in the Middle East and are reluctant to support new hostilities in the region.

The study’s unexpected preference for Donald Trump over Joe Biden in managing the Israel-Palestine conflict raises concerns about voters’ confidence in the Biden administration’s strategy.





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