A 16-year-old teenager called police in an emergency, threatening to carry out violent acts, according to Western Australian Police Commissioner Col Blanch.

According to authorities, a 16-year-old boy with a knife stabbed a guy in Perth, Australia’s west coast capital, before being shot by police.

The incident happened on Saturday night in the suburban Willetton hardware store parking lot.

Premier of Western Australia Roger Cook told reporters on Sunday that the adolescent had attacked the man and then dashed towards police officers before being shot.

“It appears he was radicalized on the internet,” Cook stated at a press conference.

Cook went on, “But at this point, I want to reassure the community that it appears that he acted solely and alone.”

At the site, a man in his 30s was discovered suffering from a back stab wound. According to a police statement, he was transferred to a hospital in a serious but stable condition.

Since another 16-year-old kid attacked an Assyrian Orthodox bishop and priest in a church on April 15, police and operatives from the Australian Security Intelligence Organization have been conducting a counterterrorism investigation in Sydney, a city on the east coast.

“Nation that loves peace”
The head of Australia’s primary domestic espionage agency, ASIO Director-General Mike Burgess, and Commissioner of Australian Federal Police Reece Kershaw briefed Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on the most recent stabbing in Perth.

According to the information provided, there is no continuing threat to the neighborhood, Albanese stated. “Violent extremism has no place in Australia; we are a peaceful nation.”

A adolescent called police in an emergency shortly after 10 p.m. (1400 GMT), threatening to carry out violent crimes, according to Western Australian Police Commissioner Col Blanch.

Blanch continued, “The boy had been involved in a program for youth at risk of radicalization.”

“I think that forms part of the investigation, so I don’t want to say he has been radicalized or is radicalized,” he stated.

Police added that a call from a member of the public later informed them that there was a knife attack taking on in the parking lot.

Two police officers carrying conducted energy devices and one with a rifle responded.

Blanch stated that although the police used both conducted energy devices, they were unable to render the youngster unconscious prior to his death from a single bullet wound.





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