ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday said that Kashmir’s disagreement could only be resolved through dialogue, but meaningful engagement with the current government in India wasn’t possible because of its religious nationalism.
Speaking at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad’s (ISSI)‘Islamabad Conclave-2021’, PM Khan recalled that South Asia had been held back by political differences and conflicts and listed the Kashmir disagreement as to the “ biggest problem” holding the region back.
He said progress in relations between Pakistan and India had been halted because his government had to deal with RSS’s revolutionist testament presently dominating Delhi. “ Meaningful accommodations with India are insolvable as long as the government there’s inspired by this testament,” he said, hoping that one day India could have a rational government with which resolution of controversies could be sought through logical and stable conversations.
The high minister anticipated that once the two arch-rivals resolved the core disagreement of Kashmir they could also go ahead to concerted fight arising pitfalls like climate change. He ruled that all of his government’s peace preludes to India had so far been seen in Delhi as its sign of weakness.

PM Khan said he forcefully believed that those seeking to resolve controversies through the war were incorrect. “ They’re moreover ignorant of history or they’re too proud of their munitions,” he said, adding that they clearly had no consideration for humanity. This, he advised, led to grave misapprehensions.
He underlined the need for resolving controversies till the last moment through dialogue.
The high minister also touched upon the aggravating philanthropic situation in Afghanistan and the growing US-China contest. He stressed that the US-China battle was moving “ towards a new Cold War” and forefelt conformation of blocs. “ Pakistan should try its stylish to stop the conformation of these blocs because we shouldn’t come a part of any bloc,” he maintained.

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi also stressed this concern in his reflections. “ There’s accelerated competition between major powers and drift towards the battle. This can lead to new battles and push the world again into‘ bloc politics. A new Cold War seems to be taking shape,” he observed.
He said Pakistan’s primary interest was in seeking a peaceful and stable transnational order that takes everyone on board. “ Pakistan will remain married to the peaceful concurrence, collaborative multilateralism, and agreement-driven issues,” he added.
ISSI Director-General Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, in his introductory reflections, outlined the objects Islamabad Conclave’, especially saying it’s for narrative structure, global engagement, and bridging gaps.
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