Tag: UK

Train drivers and the UK government come to an agreement to terminate their two-year salary dispute.

After a two-year struggle, a pay settlement offered by the Labour administration has been accepted by 96 percent

US and UK announce $1.5 billion in help to Ukraine as hostilities with Russia escalate.

Leading envoys from Washington and London unveil a fresh economic package for Kiev, as Moscow issues a warning

China sharply denounces claims of cyberattacks made by the US and its allies

The US is allegedly utilizing the FiveEyes espionage coalition "to compile and disseminate false information about threats from

Australia and the United Kingdom establish a defense treaty to address “modern challenges.”

The contract has clauses like the combined training of Ukrainian troops in the UK that facilitate smoother operations

Critics claim that the UK’s anti-extremism law could target Muslims

Anglican clerics issued a statement saying, "Our leaders should...pursue policies that bring us together, not risk driving us