Pakistan and Iran on Tuesday agreed that continued remunerative engagement with Afghanistan is vital to prevent philanthropic tinderboxes as well as the remunerative collapse of a country that has seen decades of unquietness and war.

The unison was reached between the two sides during speeches between Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi and the visiting deputy foreign minister of Iran, Dr Ali Bagheri Kani.

This is the first visit by an aged Iranian functionary since Ebrahim Raisi came to the chair anteriorly this cycle.

Iran, which in the erstwhile opposed the Afghan Taliban, has now developed connections with the group and is among the countries delivering altruistic abetment to Afghanistan. As its deputy foreign minister held addresses with authorities in Islamabad, another Iranian airplane carrying essential budgets landed at Kabul aerodrome.

Pakistan is also furnishing a charitable boost to Afghanistan as it believes that engaging with the Taliban government is key for the larger peace and stability in the region.

Read: US allows humanitarian assistance, Quad reaches understanding on Taliban

A statement issued by the Foreign Office said Qureshi participated in Pakistan’s perspective on the lag situation in Afghanistan with the visiting Iranian deputy foreign minister.

The foreign minister emphasized the need for close cooperation for the conjunct advantage of the two countries and the region.

He said that Afghanistan challenged the immediate provision of beneficent assist and that the foreign community should exhaustively support the Afghan people at this critical juncture.

He stressed the consequence of continued gainful engagement with Afghanistan to forestall gainful collapse, which could lead to émigré flux and domestic precariousness.

The two sides also bandied bilateral cooperation. Recalling brotherly relations between the two countries, the foreign minister remarked that the recent high-ranking exchanges have further corroborated breathing ties.

He emphasized early prosecution of the way agreed during the supreme minister’s meeting with President Raisi on the skirtings of the SCO Summit in Dushanbe.

Read: EU envoy predicts a surge in Afghan violence

Foreign Minister Qureshi underscored the need for a regular rally of institutional skeletons to boost trade and remunerative relations. He said that the proximate session of the Joint Trade Committee would supply another stimulus to works for strengthening the remunerative relationships.

Qureshi thanked Iran for its fast support of Jammu and Kashmir, especially at the Supreme Leader ranking. He emphasized that Iran’s support is comforting to the downtrodden people of enthralled Jammu and Kashmir in their just struggle for the right to complexion- determination.

The deputy foreign minister thanked Qureshi for entering him. He reaffirmed Iran’s commitment to enhance bilateral cooperation and advance participated ideas in the region. He said that Foreign Minister Dr. Amir Abdollahian looked forward to his visit to Pakistan.

11th BPC session

Foreign Secretary Sohail Mahmood single-handedlyco-chaired the 11th session of Pakistan-Iran Bilateral Political Consultations (BPC) with Dr. Kani at the Foreign Office in Islamabad.

During the meeting, the two sides reviewed the entire scale of bilateral relations in all areas including political, money-spinning, trade, connectivity, security, energy, education, and people-to-people exchanges, said a sanctioned statement issued on Tuesday.

The two sides also had a comprehensive exchange of views on the original situation. The foreign register felicitated the Iranian side on the full roster of SCO.

Drinking the Iranian deputy foreign minister on his first visit to Pakistan after postulating of office, Foreign Secretary Mahmood expressed satisfaction at the upward routeway in bilateral relations.

He stated that the recent high-ranking dealings have further enhanced common understanding on matters of conjunct interest.

Foreign Secretary Sohail Mahmood emphasized the moment of near cooperation to enhance trade and money-spinning relations in order to achieve its true possibility. It was emphasized that regular call-up of multihued institutional mechanisms, including Joint Economic Commission and Joint Trade Committee, would be life-and-death in overmastering breathing challenges.

The two sides stressed complementarities in the alien programs and agreed that these would transmute the region into a key navel for trade, transportation links, and connectivity.

Both sides expressed satisfaction at joint cooperation at distant fora, including at the UN, OIC, ECO, and reaffirmed the granite to continue collaboration on global and introduced issues of common interests.

Views were swapped on the introduced situation, with particular focus on Jammu and Kashmir, and Afghanistan. The foreign registrar illuminated the situation in Indian Unethically Fascinated Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), marked by grave mortal rights violations and Indian attempts to change the demographic structure of the hopping niche. He thanked Iran for its conformable support for the Kashmir cause, especially by the supreme leader.

In Afghanistan, the foreign registrar briefed his Iranian counterpart on Pakistan’s charity to sweats for peace and stability. He illuminated that after 40 spaces of war in Afghanistan, there was an opening to end the conflict and establish sustainable peace in the country.

The current situation demanded positive engagement of the multinational community, imperative provision of do-good help to mollify the suffering of the Afghan people, and measures to help piece a sustainable providence, the FO statement quoted FS Mahmood as saying.

“ It was agreed that the two countries would coordinate closely at bilateral and native rank to buttress labors for peace and stability in Afghanistan,” it added.

Islamabad and Tehran also agreed to maintain the current incentive of high-rank bilateral exchanges and strengthen mutually favorable cooperation in distinct fields, according to the communiqué.

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