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Biden’s iftar gathering sparked a counterprotest and boycott outside the White House.

Muslim organizations skip Biden's iftar dinner to commemorate Islam's holy month of Ramadan and plan counter-protests in response to Biden's

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Talks between Biden adviser Sullivan and MBS hint to an emphasis on Israel-Saudi relations

This week, Jake Sullivan will visit Saudi Arabia to meet with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as part of a

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Canada deploys troops to Haiti to train forces in the Caribbean

In an effort to support the UN mission in Haiti by helping to suppress violence and provide humanitarian relief, Canada

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Islamophobia confronts the first Muslim American nominee to the highest appellate court

Democrats are working hard to win over bipartisan support as Republicans intensify their accusations against Biden candidate Adeel Abdullah Mangi,

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Unstoppable migrants surpass police and cross the US-Mexico border

According to border officials in the Texas state, migrants attempt to scale razor wire barriers in El Paso City by

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Australia and the United Kingdom establish a defense treaty to address “modern challenges.”

The contract has clauses like the combined training of Ukrainian troops in the UK that facilitate smoother operations between the

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As gang violence increases in Port-au-Prince, employees of foreign embassies are evacuated

More than 300 diplomats were evacuated, including staff members from the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and European Union. The

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Critics claim that the UK’s anti-extremism law could target Muslims

Anglican clerics issued a statement saying, "Our leaders should...pursue policies that bring us together, not risk driving us apart." Concern

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