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Latest World

X prevails in an Australian court case concerning strict content regulations.

The eSafety Commissioner of Australia has requested that Elon Musk's business remove around sixty-five video and audio segments from a

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A mass shooting in Mexico claims multiple lives.

After eight individuals were shot and died over the weekend in Mexico City, violence broke out in a well-known tourist

By SRI NewsDesk

The majority of Democrats consider Israel’s conduct in Gaza to be “genocidal”

A recently released research that breaks down the results by age and ethnicity highlights a striking disparity, showing that the

By SRI NewsDesk

37 days at sea saw the rescue of emaciated Cuban castaways

Officials are informed by four survivors that they departed the island nation on April 1 with the intention of traveling

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As the flood toll reaches 85, Brazil looks for the missing in a “scene out of war.”

With 385 cities, towns, and villages in the state of Rio Grande do Sul inundated due to a historic rainfall,

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The adolescent was shot dead by Australian police after stabbing a man.

A 16-year-old teenager called police in an emergency, threatening to carry out violent acts, according to Western Australian Police Commissioner

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Brazil’s intense rains have claimed 29 lives thus far

According to officials, the storms that inflicted the most damage in the state of Rio Grande do Sul also left

By SRI NewsDesk

Israel and Colombia sever diplomatic ties over the “genocidal” Gaza War

Tens of thousands of Colombians cheered loudly as President Gustavo Petro declared, "If Palestine dies, humanity dies," during the May

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