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China looks for security pact in Pacific Island summit

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will hold addresses with leaders and top officers from ten Pacific Island states, part of

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Six Pakistani peacekeepers granted awarded medals of courage

UNITED NATIONS: Six Pakistanis were among 117 UN peacemakers who were awarded UN orders of courage on Thursday for immolating

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Biden hails ‘new era’ in Southeast Asian ties at key summit

The United States is committed to be engaged in Southeast Asia, President Joe Biden has said, drinking a peak with

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Biden pledges $150m to ASEAN with eye on China

US President Joe Biden opened a peak of Southeast Asian leaders with a pledge to spend$ 150m on structure, security,

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Climate change putting 4pc of global GDP at risk: study

LONDON: Climate change could see four per cent of global periodic profitable affair lost by 2050 and hit numerous poorer

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UNGA adopts first-ever move to debate use of veto

UNITED NATIONS: The UN General Assembly suggested unanimously on Tuesday to automatically meet within 10 days to debate the situation

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Could Asia save Putin from an EU energy ban? It’s not so simple

Bengaluru, India: Leaning forward, arms resting on his office, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a crisp communication to leaders of

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IMF agrees to add $2bn to ongoing programme

WASHINGTON/ ISLAMABAD: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has agreed to increase the size of its$ 6 billion loan programme by$

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