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Tlaib presents a list of the child victims of Gaza to Congress, saying, “This is genocide.”

Rashida Tlaib, a Democratic congresswoman from Michigan, adds to the US Congressional record the names of over 11,355 Palestinian children

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Biden said Netanyahu is not doing enough to close a prisoner swap agreement with Hamas.

Speaking with reporters, US President Joe Biden acknowledges that the Israeli prime minister is not going far enough in negotiating

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An ex-care worker enters a guilty plea to assaulting numerous girls in Australia and Italy.

Ashley Paul Griffith, 46, committed the offenses in twelve different sites across Australia and Pisa, Italy, between 2003 and 2022.

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As tensions over Taiwan and the South China Sea rise, the US and China have important meetings.

Top Chinese defense official Zhang Youxia meets with US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan to improve communication and prevent confrontation

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Biden chooses an outspoken supporter of Israel to head US policy toward Palestine.

According to US media, Mira Resnick, a Jewish diplomat with extensive experience in arms transfers to Israel, has been selected

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Russian and Turkish joint patrols in northern Syria have resumed.

Patrols are still in place to safeguard civilians and maintain stability in the area after a ten-month break. The Turkish

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Uncertain, blinking Israel will give in in exchange for a deal on Saudi normalization

One senior US diplomat cites the impediment to normalizing relations with Riyadh as being Netanyahu's and his far-right government's unwillingness

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Australia imprisons an Afghan war crimes informant

Human rights and press freedom supporters took issue with the Supreme Court's five-year, eight-month sentence for former military lawyer David

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