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Latest Pakistan

Pakistan, Russia agree to collaborate for an Afghan settlement

Pakistan and Russia agreed on Monday to keep working together to find a diplomatic solution to the Afghan crisis. In

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The Israeli parliament has approved a new coalition government, thereby ending Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's 12-year reign. Israel's parliament endorsed

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Erdogan offers to assist the US to stabilize Afghanistan

Turkish Presi­dent Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said Turkey will be the ‘only reliable’ country left to stabilize Afghanistan after the

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CIA chief told drone bases won’t be hosted

Government sources have begun informally confirming CIA Cheif's covert visit to Islamabad, claiming that he was told flatly that Pakistan

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India’s Nuclear Black Market raises concerns

Indian authorities detained seven persons on June 4, 2021, and confiscated 6.4 kg of uranium that the accused were attempting

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US-Pakistan talks on military bases come to a standstill: report

According to The New York Times, the US continues to focus on Pakistan for a military site in the region,

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UAE to extend $2bn loan to Pakistan, says foreign minister

The country’s foreign minister told that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) decided to extend a $2 billion loan to Pakistan.

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Pakistan PM calls West to criminalize blasphemy against Islam

PM Imran Khan calls on Western governments to criminalize blasphemy against Islam. He further asked them to treat insult against

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