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Latest Europe

Russia accuses West of ramping up pressure with Ukraine arms supplies

MOSCOW: A elderly Russian functionary indicted the West on Wednesday of ramping up political pressure on Moscow by supplying munitions

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Ukraine plays down invasion fears, but US sounds alarm

KIEV: Ukraine on Sunday pushed back at “ climactic prognostications” over an implicit Russian irruption after officers in the United

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US to deploy more troops to Eastern Europe amid Ukraine crisis

The United States is transferring fresh  soldiers  to Europe and displacing another from Germany to Romania to insure the “ robust defence”

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Putin says US is using Ukraine as ‘tool’ to contain Russia

Moscow: President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday indicted the West of ignoring Moscow’s security enterprises and of using Ukraine as a

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Pressure on UK PM mounts over evacuation of dogs and cats from Afghanistan

The UK government denied on Thursday that denuclearized Prime Minister Boris Johnson had prioritized faves over people in the chaotic

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US puts 8,500 troops on heightened alert amid Russia-Ukraine heightened tensions

At President Biden's direction, the Pentagon is putting about US- grounded colors on heightened alert for implicit deployment to Europe

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Russia asks Nato to forgo Ukraine’s inclusion

MOSCOW: Russia maintained a tough posture amid the pressures over its troop buildup near Ukraine, with a top diplomat warning

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Ukraine claims it has proof Russia behind the cyberattack

KIEV: Ukraine said on Sunday it had “ substantiation” that Russia was behind a massive cyberattack that knocked out crucial

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