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Ship from the Philippines leaves disputed South China Sea shoal

In an effort to bolster Manila's claims to the region and thwart Beijing's attempts to seize it, the Philippine Coast Guard vessel BRP Teresa Magbanua has been anchored inside Sabina

Latest Asia

Pakistan, Russia agree to collaborate for an Afghan settlement

Pakistan and Russia agreed on Monday to keep working together to find a diplomatic solution to the Afghan crisis. In

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The Israeli parliament has approved a new coalition government, thereby ending Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's 12-year reign. Israel's parliament endorsed

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Erdogan offers to assist the US to stabilize Afghanistan

Turkish Presi­dent Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said Turkey will be the ‘only reliable’ country left to stabilize Afghanistan after the

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CIA chief told drone bases won’t be hosted

Government sources have begun informally confirming CIA Cheif's covert visit to Islamabad, claiming that he was told flatly that Pakistan

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Pak-Iran border’s third crossing point inaugurating today

Pakistan-Iran border’s third crossing point Pishin-Mand to facilitate the trade is being inaugurated today. Rasoul Mousavi Deputy Foreign Minister of

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Saudi-led coalition says it confronts explosive Houthi drone

Saudi-led coalition says it confronted an explosive drone fired towards Khamis Mushait near Abha International Airport. The Saudi-led coalition is

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UAE to extend $2bn loan to Pakistan, says foreign minister

The country’s foreign minister told that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) decided to extend a $2 billion loan to Pakistan.

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No intention to lift ban on TLP, declares PM Khan

Prime Minister Imran Khan in a meeting said that the government had no intention of lifting the ban over TLP.

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