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Latest Asia

India police flogging Muslims ‘serious rights violation’: Amnesty

Mortal rights group Amnesty International has called the flogging of Muslim men by police in the western Indian state of

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Will North Korea conduct a nuclear test during China’s Congress?

When North Korea carried out its last nuclear test on September 3, 2017, China’s President Xi Jinping was preparing to

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North Korea fires two missiles as US redeploys aircraft carrier

North Korea has fired two short- range ballistic missiles toward its east seacoast in the direction of Japan, following common

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US, South Korea fire weapons after North Korea’s missile launch

South Korea and the United States have carried out a series of bullet drills in response to North Korea’s first

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North Korea fires ‘long range rocket,’ Japan calls evacuation

North Korea has fired an intermediate-range ballistic bullet over Japan, its neighbors said, raising tests of munitions designed to strike

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No ‘imminent invasion’ of Taiwan by China, says US

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has said he sees no imminent irruption of Taiwan by China but added Beijing was

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North Korea fires ballistic missiles in week’s fourth launch

North Korea has fired what appeared to be two ballistic dumdums, South Korea and Japan said, in what's Pyongyang's fourth

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US vows to address Pacific island needs as China clout grows

US President Joe Biden has blazoned $810 million in new backing for Pacific islets at a first-of-a-kind peak with their

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