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Sanity Prevails in FATF

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF), a worldwide watchdog, revealed on October 21 what many Pakistanis had thought was possible: the country's removal from the FATF's expanded monitoring "grey list."

Latest Geoeconomy

Russia War With Ukraine: Is Ukraine Putin’s Western Hemisphere?

After months of tensions and threats of an invasion in Ukraine and in between how Russia could or could not 

By Aqsa Ghauri

The Russia Ukraine Crisis; is it really a World War III?

As the cup fills to the brim, we are finally witnessing what has been pending since 2014 when Russia annexed

By Hannan Malik

A New Era In Space Are We Headed To Space War?

The new year could be a turning point defining the space age. The competition between U.S and China is shifting

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It’s A Genocide!
The Visibly Invisible Conflict of Palestine

A 70-year-old conflict between Israel and Palestine defines the global justice issue of contemporary times. A conflict where one side

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AUKUS: A Beginning of a Nuclearized Era

On September 15, 2021. US President Joe Biden, speaking alongside Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison and UK Prime Minister Boris

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Kashmir – The Endgame?

Don’t’ bother probing for shards of wisdom or planks of reason from this piece, it is more of rhetorical gibbering

By Ahsan Malik