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Vietnam & Afghan Wars – The Same Playbook

The Vietnam and Afghanistan conflicts have been compared, but rarely from the perspective of the victims. How can they evaluate their pain among the haughty, never-ending demands of outsiders whose

Latest Defence & Security

Vietnam & Afghan Wars – The Same Playbook

The Vietnam and Afghanistan conflicts have been compared, but rarely from the perspective of the victims. How can they evaluate

By Yahya Muhammad

The Business of War

Oil, food, and other commodity prices all increase whenever and wherever a conflict breaks out anywhere in the world. Likewise,

By Hannan Malik

The US Still Trying to Choke Afghanistan

According to remarks made last month by Haji Nooruddin Azizi, the country’s minister of commerce and industry, Afghanistan intends to

By SRI Editor


Although we have come far ahead from the Cold War period of the International system, its influence of it still

By Aqsa Ghauri