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Sanity Prevails in FATF

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF), a worldwide watchdog, revealed on October 21 what many Pakistanis had thought was possible: the country's removal from the FATF's expanded monitoring "grey list."

Latest Asia

AUKUS; Biden’s Last Jibe At China

As of the recent developments, the United States has been trying to contain the spread of China in the South

By Eimaan Qureshi

White Centric Journalism

“The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make

By Eimaan Qureshi

Modi’s dual policies for Muslims

India is home to around two hundred million Muslims, one of the world’s largest Muslim populations in a Hindu majority

By Eimaan Qureshi


Recently the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has resurfaced in the South Asian region. SCO today is discernible. While the world

By Aqsa Ghauri

Emerging Nuclear Energy Countries

Around 30 nations are thinking about, arranging, or beginning atomic power programs. These reach from modern economies to non-industrial countries.

By SRI NewsDesk

India Juggling Between Russia and the US

India, Pakistan’s historic rival, retained its neutrality in the face of the Russia Ukraine war. India’s presence among the countries

By Eimaan Qureshi

What is behind the growing militarisation of South Korea?

South Korea is racing towards becoming a rising power in the region with its military and space programs in full swing,

By Javairayah Aatif


“The United States and Canada colluded to provoke and stir up trouble … seriously jeopardizing peace and stability of the

By Aqsa Ghauri