Rabail Haider Bokhari

Rabail Haider Bokhari

7 Articles

Afghanistan’s Power vacuum and its implications for the Region

As the final U.S. troops leave Afghanistan Taliban and the United States shifts its focus from the Middle

India’s Social Media War in the lieu of Surveillance and Control

Social Media is a tool, platform, and stage for all those who want their voices heard. Meanwhile, the

Nuclear Black Market in India; should the world be concerned?

On June 3, 2021, Indian security forces apprehended seven people and seized 6.4 kilogrammes of uranium from their

Constantinople to Istanbul: A historical revisit

There are a few cities in the world whose history is as long and storied as Istanbul's. For

Pakistan day: The Construction of National Identity through Ritual and Spectacle

Pakistan is set to celebrate Pakistan Day on 23rd march through a military parade at the capital Islamabad.

Pakistan at the crossroads; fighting disinformation in 2021

Use of Disinformation or “fake news” as a weapon to polarize communities, create conflicts, and upset democratic systems,

A Review of Arab – Israel/Palestine Issue- In the light of Iqbal and Quaid’s Advice

2020 brought the Arab Nations and Israel diplomatically closer over economic deals, something that was unimaginable about 72