
SRI NewsDesk

3495 Articles

FO refutes Indian claims of a drone attack in occupied Kashmir.

Indian allegations concerning Pakistan's complicity in a drone attack in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir were denounced as "irresponsible"

Majority of European troops exit Afghanistan quietly

Most European troops have already left Afghanistan, secretly retreating months before the US-led mission was set to officially

Taliban fighter attack Ghazni, Afghanistan

Taliban fighters attacked Ghazni on Tuesday, clashing with Afghan soldiers and deploying explosives in an attempt to take

Protests erupt Israel begins demolition in Jerusalem’s Silwan

On Tuesday, Israel bulldozed a Palestinian business in the Silwan neighbourhood of East Jerusalem, sparking clashes between police

Pakistan urges UNSC to act immediately to protect children in occupied Kashmir

  Pakistan urged the United Nations Security Council to act quickly to protect children in war zones, particularly