Türkiye doesn’t violate anyone’s rights but at the same time it’ll not let anyone violate its rights, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said, advising Greece to” return to its senses.”
Erdogan’s tweet in Greek, English and Turkish languages came after Athens’ recent obnoxious statements against Ankara on colorful platforms.
Criticising Athens for the militarisation of the Aegean islets, which have non-military status according to the Lausanne and Paris agreements, Erdogan said,” We leave it to the transnational community to decide what it means to demand kilometres maritime governance for Meis islet, which is lower than two kilometres from our country’s landmass but further than 600 kilometres from Greece in the Eastern Mediterranean.”
” Including demilitarised islets in colorful exercises and seeking to use NATO and third party countries as a tool in this unlawfulness is nothing but an trouble that will have a woeful ending,” he advised.
Τη σημασία της διεκδίκησης θαλάσσιας δικαιοδοσίας των 40.000χλμ2 για τη Μεγίστη, που βρίσκεται στη Αν. Μεσόγειο κι απέχει από τα ηπειρώτικα της χώρας μας λιγότερο από 2χλμ ενώ από την ηπειρωτική Ελλάδα πάνω από 600χλμ, εναποθέτουμε στη διακριτική ευχέρεια της διεθνούς κοινότητας
— Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (@RTErdogan) June 9, 2022
Greece’ misinterprets our tolerance and calm’
Erdogan called on Athens to” avoid dreams, statements and conduct that will lead to remorse, as it did a century ago” — pertaining to the 1919- 1923 Turkish War of Independence, which pushed Greek forces out of Türkiye — and to” return to its senses.”
” Türkiye won’t relinquish its rights in the Aegean and won’t refrain from using the powers granted to it by transnational agreements for the ordnance of the islets when necessary,” the Turkish chairman said.
Erdogan reminded that Ankara has paid the loftiest price within NATO and calmly ate Athens’ provocations which” has not indeed responded to our military delegation meeting assignations for the last two times.”
He noted that his Greek counterpart” misinterprets our tolerance and calm.”
The Turkish chairman raised review of Greece’s mistreatment and denial of rights to the Turkish nonage in the country despite transnational courts’ opinions.
” Greece still continues to put pressure on the Turkish nonages in the western Thrace, Rhodes and Kos, ignoring transnational agreements, universal mortal rights and the values of the European Union of which it’s a member,” he said.
Ως σύμμαχος που εντός του ΝΑΤΟ πληρώνει από κάθε άποψη το υψηλότερο τίμημα, αντιμετωπίσαμε με ψυχραιμία τις προκλήσεις της Ελλάδας, η οποία τα τελευταία δυο χρόνια δεν ανταποκρίθηκε καν στις προσκλήσεις μας για συνάντηση των στρατιωτικών αντιπροσωπειών.
— Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (@RTErdogan) June 9, 2022